Sunday, December 16, 2012

McGinnis - Party of Five

We've always hoped to have a family of five.  Over the past two years, we have asked God to complete our family.  It's been a difficult path - disappointment, medications and failed procedures.  In order to grow our family, God has called us to open our hearts to international adoption to rescue an orphan and make her our own - not biological but our own just the same.

We are currently in the process of adopting a baby girl from China through an international agency.  The adoption process will take 12-24 months and is a journey of faith each step of the way.

We look forward to introducing you to a very special little girl - our third child.  We do not know her yet.  What we do know is this:

She has never known the warm and loving embrace of a mother or the joy of a piggy-back ride from a father.  She has no concept of what a brother is, but she will have two brothers who love her even now.  She doesn't know what it feels like to be tucked in and kissed goodnight, warm and safe in a caring home.  She has yet to receive full medical attention, proper, nutritious food, a childhood that allows her to be carefree and an environment where she can thrive and flourish and reach her full potential.  She needs a loving family the most.  We are her forever family.  Her name is Emma.

We cannot wait to bring Emma home, to hold her in our arms and always provide a hand for her to hold as she grows.  No words can capture the true joy and excitement we feel as we anticipate the blessing of her presence in our home.  We've been told that we will be a blessing to Emma, but she is a blessing to us - a long-awaited blessing to complete our family.

Financing an international adoption in such a short time frame is difficult.  Our adoption will cost in excess of $35,000.  Our adoption expenses include everything from document preparation and translation, agency fees, travel expenses, government fees to medical and orphanage fees.

We invite you to joyfully partner with us financially to help bring home our Chinese daughter - your gift will make an immeasurable difference in the life of a child who needs a family.  We welcome you to be part of a story that imitates what God has done for us in Christ.  A story that reminds us that we are all adopted by our heavenly Father.  While not everyone is called to adopt a child, we believe and hope many will join us on the journey to rescue an orphan and make an eternal impact on her life.  You will forever be a part of our daughter's story - making it possible for Emma to come home. 

If you would like to partner with us, please contact us for a pre-addressed envelope and a donation form to make your financial contribution directly to our agency on our behalf.  As with any charitable contribution, please check with your tax professional for tax deductibility.
Follow our blog for online updates at and contact us at

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Brian, Shannon, Ian & Aidan McGinnis

And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.
  Matthew 18:5

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