Monday, April 21, 2014

Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Our Adoption is Official - Emma Reid McGinnis (Tuesday, April 15, 2014)

We woke this morning with a hungry family.  We dressed for the day, went downstairs for breakfast, met Michael to be shown around the area a little and prepared to return to the adoption offices to finalize our adoption of Emma.

We had a little meltdown when it was nap time.  Emma might have a little of that spicy Chongqing attitude I've heard about.  Baby sister can throw a fit!  After her total meltdown, she finally decided she could take a nap. When she woke up, she was herself again - calm and happy.

We rode with the Porters to the adoption office to finalize our adoption of Emma.  We completed some paperwork, had a photo taken for our adoption certificate, had a very official ceremony promising to care for Emma for her lifetime and sealed the documents with a red thumbprint from Brian, me and Emma.

We returned to our hotel and spent a little time resting and playing in our room until we walked to dinner at the neighboring mall.  We tried the Hong Kong restaurant - after feeding the boys chicken nuggets from McDonalds. Emma was super excited to see noodles for dinner.  And once again the McGinnis boys were total celebrities. Every server in the restaurant was young and I think each of them came to our table to take photos with the boys.  They were very nice to us and very helpful trying to help us order dishes that weren't too spicy!  Brian ordered sweet and sour pork and I ordered a chicken and rice dish. When the very fresh chicken arrived (so fresh I could still see where the feathers had been plucked from the skin), I decided to just eat rice and share Brian's dish. If you know me, simple boneless skinless chicken breasts is my speed!

We made a quick stop at the Dairy Queen for the boys and returned to the hotel to prepare for bed.  Emma has a few skin issues - so we decided to treat her for scabies since we had the medication with us.  Her skin already looks better.

On Wednesday, we will visit the orphanage.

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