Thursday, June 6, 2013

While We're Waiting ( 4 months)

We've been logged in China for four months (May 30, 2013).  And our first anniversary of being in our adoption process was May 29, 2013 (our 14th wedding anniversary).

We celebrated Mother's Day with our families on Sunday, May 12.  We were able to capture a few family photos.

Sweet Ian
Smirky Grin Aidan
The McGinnis Family

We are trying to wait patiently.  We've been in contact with our agency to be updated about our current status.  We are the 14th family for a 0-2 year old girl with minor medical needs.  We are the 6th family for a 0-4 year old girl with minor medical needs.  We have adjusted our request from a 0-12 month girl to a 0-30 month girl.  Even knowing our "place in line", we have no frame of reference for how long our wait will be for our referral.  We have been advised that we are looking at a 12 month wait from LID to referral - that means we should expect a referral around December or January - still a number of months away. 

Our agency continues to receive additional orphanage specific partnerships and their referrals.  They are expecting a number of these over the summer.  If there are lots of younger girls with minor needs, we could be matched more quickly.  We had hoped that we would travel to China in 2013 to bring Emma home - it is less likely this will happen unless we are matched during the summer.  We know the longer we wait in this stage of the process that the next phase will be shorter as our paperwork would be translated and approved.  We are very hopeful for the possibility of being matched in the late summer and that we can still bring Emma home before Christmas.

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