Thursday, October 3, 2013

While We're Waiting (8 months)

September 30, 2013 - 8 months waiting since our LID (log in date in China)
                                 - 16 months waiting since we began our adoption process
                                 - 35 months (2 years, 11 months) since we began the process of adding
                                    to our family

Like many months before this one, we have no new information to report about our adoption process.

The fall is always busy in our home!  Getting back in our school routine, fun fall activities, birthday parties (who knew we have so many friends born in October)!  As I've been preparing for some birthday festivities for two cute boys who will be 5 and 8 in just a few weeks, I'm reminded of a sweet moment I shared with Ian a year ago -  - when Ian was about to celebrate his 7th birthday last year, we had just finished up back-to-back home study visits in September, and we'd been in the paperwork phase for nearly 6 months for Emma's adoption.  Adoption had been a frequent topic in our home!  We were standing at our kitchen island working on a detail for his birthday party.  We were chatting about his school day and our conversation changed to birthdays, birthday parties and whether Chinese children had birthday parties.  I explained that I was sure Chinese children had birthday celebrations with their families, but he needed to remember that Emma didn't have a family - that she lived in an orphanage - and I was unsure if anyone remembered her birthday or celebrated her birthday.  I could see him thinking - and he continued to ask if we'd have a party for her birthdays once she was home.  Of course - I said - she'll have birthday parties just as you and Aidan do.  With bright eyes, he looked up and said, "I hope her birthday is in October like mine and Aidan's."  What a sweet blessing to know that he'd like to share his birthday month with his brother AND his sister!

Ian has a sweet heart - this summer, I found this paper in my car after church one Sunday.  In spite of the just graduated from first grade spelling, this might be the sweetest thing I've ever seen.  I can't say, but I may have had tears in my eyes when I found this sign - what a treasure.

October has been a month of welcoming blessings in our home.  Brian and I were engaged on October 17, 1998.  We welcomed Ian on October 21, 2005 and Aidan on October 14, 2008.  During this adoption process, I've often felt October would hold a significant date for Emma - the month she was born, the month she was conceived, the month her adoption paperwork was completed or possibly the month we match to her referral.  I have no idea what October date will link us to our daughter, but I feel we are closer than ever to seeing her for the first time - even if it's just on her referral paperwork. 

Perhaps it's because I'm a math girl - numbers mean something to me.  When I met my best friend in college 18 years ago, we thought it was pretty amazing that we shared a birthday.  A few weeks into our first semester of college we realized our immediate family members all shared birthdays.  My mom and her youngest sister shared a birthday.  My dad and her mom shared a birthday.  My sister and her middle sister shared a birthday - and her husband shares that same birthday as well.  A coincidence - we think not!!  Of course, our God knew in 1977 on a Saturday afternoon in July that two girls were born and they'd meet 18 years later.  The coincidence of sharing our birthday was the interesting beginning of 18 (and counting) years of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, celebrations and simply sharing life together. 

I'm not one to think things happen by chance so I'll continue to pray that meeting Emma is right around the corner.  We submitted our adoption agency application on our wedding anniversary.  Our dossier was logged in to China on the anniversary of our first date.  October has plenty of special dates for our family - I can't wait to see which October day we will celebrate for many years to come as a special day in Emma's life.