Monday, September 9, 2013

While We're Waiting (7 months)

August 30, 2013 - 7 months waiting since our LID (log in date in China)
                           - 15 months waiting since we began our adoption process
                           - 34 months (2 years, 10 months) since we began the process of adding
                             to our family

We appreciate all the thoughtful questions about our wait for Emma - all the concerns about our family, our journey and when she will finally be home. 

But I'm not going to lie - there are some days I wish I could just wear a sign that reads:
We do not have any new information.
We do not have a referral match.
No, we don't know how old she is.
We have no idea when we will travel.
Yes, I know you know people who have brought
their babies home in less time than we have waited.
No, we have not been made aware of any issues with our paperwork.
EVERY adoption is different, and this is our journey.
All the details will work out in God's timing.
Rest assured, you will be the FIRST to know when we know.
Wow - I think I'd be tired from carrying around that sign!!  So I'll continue to graciously answer the questions our friends and family have about our adoption.  It means so much to know our Emma is being thought of and prayed for even as we wait.  

Some days are easier than others.  Our lives move along in spite of our holding pattern with Emma's adoption.

As we've waited - we've had a busy month - lots of activity in our home over the last few weeks - last summer beach vacation, big birthdays, a trip to the theater, back to school for Mom at the community college, back to school for our 2nd grader and back to school for our preschooler!

Someone celebrated a milestone birthday at our home in August - I shouldn't say, but he may be wearing the aqua polo in the photo :)

The boys enjoyed surprising Daddy at his office on his actual birthday.  Check out their shirts!


We took our first trip to the theater with Ian and Aidan to see "The Lion King" at the Blumenthal.  We enjoyed a nice dinner out, and the boys were dressed in their adorable seersucker bowties as they enjoyed the performance!

Ian's first day of Second Grade - Monday, August 26, 2013
Aidan's first day of pre-K - Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Since I'm a little behind posting the monthly update, we've been alerted that the shared referrals will be released tonight from China (Sept 9).  Our agency is also expecting referrals from "several" of their partnership orphanages to arrive over the next few weeks.  We are hopeful that Emma's referral is prepared and will soon find it's way to us.