Monday, April 22, 2013

While We're Waiting (catching up again - 2 months)

In my attempts to take photos each month we wait for Emma, I've failed 2 months in a row - at least no one was sick or in the hospital this month!  Our family Easter photo (taken March 31) will have to serve as a substitute. 

2 months waiting since our log in date - March 30, 2013


Of a series of photos, this photo was the best - I know it's sad - squinty eyes, fake smiles from ALL the boys and a daddy who would not agree to our colorful pants Easter Sunday attire!  Ian and Aidan are growing up so quickly - they look like little men in their white button down shirts, belts and colorful khakis.  They will be the BEST big brothers.

We have no new information from our adoption agency.  We are hopeful to hear some news soon.  We expect a shared list release soon - generally the last Monday night of the month, but we have not received any confirmation yet.

We've been in the adoption process for nearly 1 year now.  I must agree with so many other adoptive families - the waiting stage is the most difficult.  I hear myself frequently say to others - this process will be similar to the gestation of an elephant (approximately 2 years - so glad I was a Biology major in college - comes in handy for random trivia).  Being pregnant for 40 weeks seems like such a long time (especially during the last few weeks) - in an adoption, it feels as though we will be "paper pregnant" forever!

In the next few posts, I plan to document some of the interesting stages of the paperwork phase we completed between May and December of last year.  If you know us, it's clear there are stories to be told.  :)  We will NOT want to forget the fun moments of our journey.