Monday, March 25, 2013

While We're Waiting (catching up - 1 month)

Today (Monday, March 25, 2013) was announced last week as the next shared list release from China - later tonight our agency will be able to review the referrals and make calls to families for potential matches.  We know the probability of being matched this early in our wait is unlikely, but we are praying Emma's referral will be available tonight and we'll receive a very welcome midnight phone call. 

With weeks of sickness in our house recently, I did not have the chance to take our 1 month waiting photo of our family - so this photo will have to do!  (1 month waiting since our log in date - February 28, 2013)

Aidan spent a day admitted to the hospital a couple weeks ago following a tummy bug - dehydration earns Aidan a hospital admission every time!  When I opened his door on the peds floor of the hospital, I saw the most beautiful artwork on the wall directly across from his door. 

I sent a text to a friend asking, "Is it a coincidence that this is the artwork outside Aidan's hospital room?"  Her quick response, "Absolutely not!"

I'm in awe of the little things God places in my path on a daily/weekly basis.  What a comfort to see a panda (from China) hanging in my view when I least expected it.  How special to receive a phone call from a dear friend who has experienced her own unique journey this year - her first statement was concern for me, "you've been on my heart - how are things going with Emma?"  God's timing is perfect each and every day.

As we approach our 2 month waiting date (March 30, 2013), I'm reminded that we've been waiting for our third child for 2.5 years.  So waiting 2 months is a brief moment of this journey.  What a story we have to share with Emma - she will never wonder if she was wanted - we will travel around the world just to meet her - we already love her to China and back!